Marketing & producer work

I work with agencies, brand teams, small businesses and artists to get struggling digital projects and websites launched faster. Hire me to work with you or your team as a digital producer or consultant.


Services offered

Services for Artists


Client Partners


About Christina

Christina Balch smiling while standing on a bike bath with trees behind her

I started managing website projects in Los Angeles in 2005. Since then, I have led dozens of website projects from small business websites to enterprise-level rebrands. I prefer agile methodology and often use Kanban boards, sizing and daily scrum check-ins (even if it’s a waterfall-style project). I love design thinking and incorporate it into my work when I can. I also design and develop Squarespace websites, produce creative technology projects and run UX workshops.

User experience and empathy (for users and the client team) play big roles in my process for large interactive projects. Happy people make better products - I value my teams and make sure they don’t burn out. With a background in the arts, I champion creative vision and process, and I love mindmapping with my team on physical and virtual whiteboards. One time, I gave a TED talk in London about a long-term art project called Awake.

Digital Producer CV on LinkedIn

Find me on Working Not Working


London International Awards
New York Festivals
American Advertising Awards
CorpComms Magazine's DigiAwards
Most Innovative Financial Communications