Matrescence in the time of coronavirus
an intimate, one-on-one experience and discussion about beCOMING a new mother
Balch wearing a mask while holding her baby during the spring of 2020
On April 30 - May 2, 2021, I opened my studio - in-person and virtually - for the first time in over a year to one person at a time to have an intimate discussion about becoming a new parent. 2020 into 2021 was a long year of social isolation and tremendous change on many levels during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we start the slow process of emerging from the pandemic in the US, I wanted to reclaim the opportunity to talk about this experience with others - both friends and strangers.
“Matrescence” is a term similar to “adolescence” that describes the developmental phase of becoming a mother. Intense physical, hormonal, and psychological change happens during pregnancy, birth and postpartum (after birth). I was looking forward to discussions surrounding this major bodily and identity shift after the “fourth trimester” (the first three months of the baby’s life after birth), but then COVID hit. Like so many other new parents, not only was I robbed of the joy of introducing friends and family to my new baby, but I was also deprived of introducing and exploring my new identity as a mother in a public space. As part of this installation, I hope to normalize open discussion about matrescence.
After living in isolation with my small family for over a year, I craved the physical and emotional intimacy of a deep discussion with another person. There were many topics to explore as part of matrescence, and every conversation was different.